Saturday, May 3, 2014

blow me away

I cannot even begin to describe how you have blown me away...You took a day I was sure everything in my life was going to crumble, and you made it a day to worship you. I cannot begin to thank you enough for that. I am so lost in the fact that you could love someone like me, and allow me to find love in this life. I am such a fool, and wanted to live my own life and you gave up your life for me...thank you so much. 

 God so much is going on but i just have so much thanks could have gone so many other ways and you protected me, and allowed my love to show his grace, and forgiveness through you..instead of anger, which i am sure would have been 100 times easier.
 Lord we don't know whats going to happen, and it can get so frustrating but i thank you for what we do know. we know we have a God who loves us, and someone who is there for us at all times. Lord i just lift up Nicholas to you. that you would continue to encourage him. He needs all of the encouragement he can get. especially being engaged to me, Lord I just ask that you would give us wisdom, and give us peace about whats going on..that we would continue to live for you even when we dont know what the heck is going on...I feel like ive been praying this over and over but its so true, and so important. I also ask Lord you would just continue to give me the desire to get into your word. to be able to be a light where there is darkness. sometimes that desire seems so small and i need to fight through that to be what Nicholas needs me to be and most importantly what you have me to be. 

          Thank you Lord for the cross...and thank you for providing what we need every moment of every day. 

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