Friday, May 16, 2014

Say Amen

 my heart is so burdened right much going on, and I am just asking you to be with everyone who is struggling right now. with my Sister, and with Bekah, and with everyone who just doesn't know what's going on, and doesn't want to hear bad news. Lord..I know we can't change whats happened but i am asking you to keep my sister in peace, and my mom regardless of what is going on with that little miracle in her tummy. my heart breaks thinking that we lost a little one. but so many people have gone through this pain, allow me to be there for my family if this i what happened. I trust you Lord, I know you do things for a reason but this one is really hard....I am asking for guidance for my friend that she would just follow you, and really be in love with you first. God i am so hurting for my friends, and just the fact that it isnt easy to follow the things of you..we want to go our own way so many times, and thats not the way it should be... ugh

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